Category: <span>Irrigation</span>

Sun Scheduling

Everybody experiences the shortening days as we enter autumn and winter and then the pleasure of the lengthening warmer days as spring approaches. For your lawn and other plants, this means that their need for water dramatically changes throughout the seasons. Lawns for instance are very thirsty in summer but can go for a long […]
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Senseless sensors?

This is the age of electronic gadgets – mobile phones, home automation, tablets, GPS navigation etc. Are all these types of gadgets necessary or even useful? Many people rely on GPS navigation and consider that essential but what about a Bluetooth hairbrush or a pillow with buttons for the remote control of the TV? There […]
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Stop Irrigation!

Too much water can harm or even kill plants! For most normal plants, the roots which drink up water, also need air (around the roots) to breathe. If there is too much water, or if the soil is completely wet for too long, there will be insufficient oxygen in the air pockets (or dissolved in the water). Overwatering, in simple terms can drown plants. Overwatering is a surprisingly common issue and can be exacerbated by an automated irrigation […]
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Lawn watering using pop-up sprinklers

Even small lawns will benefit from installed pop-up sprinklers controlled by an appropriate irrigation controller. Unfortunately, these types of systems are more costly and labor intensive to install. Therefore, careful consideration needs to be given to the type, capability, number, and location of the sprinklers throughout your lawn. You want to ensure that you get […]
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What do I need to know when choosing an irrigation system?

A good irrigation system will reward the user for many years, making life easier, improving the condition of the garden, and adding value and beauty to your property. Installing the best system for your property requires careful consideration regarding your landscape needs, desired functionality, and design for both now and in the future. Virtually every […]
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Zones – what are they and how many do I need?

Due to the set limitations to a property’s water pressure and flow, it is impossible to water every part of the landscape all at the same time. To water your garden effectively, you will need to divide the landscape into different areas (called “zones”) and water each zone separately. When setting up an irrigation system, […]
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What is an irrigation solenoid valve?

Irrigation solenoid valves are essentially automated taps that control the water flow to a given area (called a “zone”). The input to a solenoid valve is the water supply and the output is the piping that connects to the sprinklers or drippers. Each solenoid valve has 2 wires which attach to wiring that then connects […]
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Irrigation Scheduling – what do I need?

One of the great advantages of an automated irrigation system is that, if properly installed and programmed, irrigation will be automatically, correctly, and efficiently applied. This ensures a flourishing summer garden, saves water, and preserves the value of your property. Unfortunately, proper programming is often complicated, since many irrigation controllers: Are difficult to program (i.e. […]
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